Professional of the Year - Government/Mission Relevant Terrain-Cyber

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David J. Berkowitz

Title: Mission Relevant Terrain-Cyber Branch Chief
Industry: Government
Type of Organization: Military Branch
Major Product/Service: Conducting operations in, from, and to space to deter conflict, and if necessary, defeat aggression, deliver space combat power for the joint/combined force, and defend U.S. vital interests with allies and partners
Expertise: With over 2 years experience, Mr. Berkowitz identifies mission systems that operate in support of a designated mission set, as well as task, mission, and defense critical assets essential to the operational readiness of each respective mission set, assesses cyber threats to them, and identifies the extent to which a mission can be degraded while still being able to execute the mission and associated requirements successfully. Mr. Berkowitz specializes in Mission Relevant Terrain - cyber.
Geographic Area of Distribution: International
Affiliations: National Museum of the United States Army; I.S.S.A.; U.S.O.; H.S.U.S.; A.S.P.C.A.
University/Degree: M.S., Computer Science and Cyber Security Engineering, Colorado Technical University, 2022
Hobbies/Sports: Travel
Spouse: Michelle
Married: January 2, 1998
Career Accomplishments: Mr. Berkowitz is a 20 year US Army veteran with multiple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as peacekeeping missions to Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo. He was chosen to lead the newly formed Mission Relevant Terrain-Cyber element as a new civilian employee to the cybersecurity field in a newly formed Combatant Command, allowing for personal and professional growth in all respects.